Ever wondered about the meaning of the name: Antillia? It’s a phantom island, much like Atlantis, that no longer exists!
Yet here we are, centuries after its disappearance, to reveal the hidden secrets of Technology and revamp the world of IT and Software
Antillia is a Riyadh-based software and IT company. Where we develop unparalleled solutions for businesses and governmental organizations.
Our mission is to boost your organization’s performance and minimize inefficiencies, all while maintaining a high level of precision. We achieve this by developing software solutions that are perfectly tailored to your business model.
We found that the field of technology needs more precise solutions to fit the culture of KSA, and its types of businesses, that’s why we launched Antillia in 2018.
Remember this date! It’s the beginning of a new chapter for Antillia. Antillia Talk is our first product, which was fit enough to introduce Antillia to the market in KSA.
At Antillia we believe in consistency, not perfectionism. Since our start, we released improved versions of Antillia Talk and developed new custom products for our clients. Including, Antillia Map and Antillia KYC.
Antillia has a dream to revamp the technology and software industry in KSA. For now, we hit the number of 2M users and will continue to grow together heading to the leadership of the field of Technology.