Total Users


Industrial City


Facilities Included

Story of antillia
What is Antillia Map?

Get Real-Time Insights

Data visualization is now easier, as Antillia Map seamlessly integrates Geographic Information System (GIS) and geofencing technologies. Feel confident in decision-making, efficiently presenting data, and identifying opportunities.

Why Antillia Map?Monitor then Make Your Decisions

Market Insights

Get real-time geographical insights into the market's nature and changes.

Data Analysis

Efficiently analyze data to identify obstacles, determine opportunities, and make informed decisions.

Risk Mitigation

Mitigate potential risks and manage and respond to events proactively.

Guided Long-Term Planning

Interepertate data to know your available opportunities to grow.

Customize Your Business Map

Add the authoritative data that give insights for your business, in the visual shape you like.

USE CASESTake a Step Forward in the Market
FEATURESThe Data You Need in Graphs
  • Map Features

    Select Geographical Zones

    Antillia Map utilizes Geofence technology, allowing you to choose specific geographical areas to present and gain insights from data.

  • Map Features

    Incorporate Business-Impacting Data

    The GIS system is seamlessly integrated into Antillia Map, enabling the incorporation of geospatial data and guiding you in making informed decisions.

  • Map Features

    Experience Dynamic Mapping

    Antillia Map is interactive, facilitating a user-friendly interface that efficiently presents your data. This interactivity ensures easier access to the information you need.

How Does Antillia Map Work?Create Your Business Map
Product Image
Add Authoritative Data

Choose the relevant data impacting your business, such as industrial cities, infrastructures, and facilities. Antillia Map seamlessly incorporates this data into your map.

Enter the Information You Collected

Input details about different locations, including weather, city area, location, development rate specifics, etc.

Create Layers of Information

Integrate multiple layers of data to present information efficiently, ensuring a user-friendly and valuable experience.

Personalize Your Business Map

Enjoy the flexibility to design your map, incorporate essential data, and integrate necessary tools, tailoring Antillia Map to meet your specific business needs.

Make Informed Decisions

Antillia Map provides a comprehensive market overview, furnishing essential data for informed decisions—whether you're starting, expanding, or competing in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Experience the Product Before Subscribing to the Plan?

Certainly, we offer you 7-d trials to experience our products and see how can it fit your business. Furthermore, we can provide you with a demo version, that is customized to meet your business needs.

Can I Cancel My Plan Anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your plan and get a refund within a period of “7 days” since you start using the product. After that period, you should provide a reasonable cause to cancel your plan.

Please note, that any collateral services like providing special training for your team, adding certain features, or customizing your product, are non-refundable.

What Industries Can Benefit From Antillia Map?

The businesses that benefit most from Antillia Map include, but are not limited to:

  • Telemedicine
  • Logistics
  • Fintech
  • Retail
  • Utilities
  • Banking.
Can I Customize Antillia Map For My Business Needs?

Certainly, however, customization is not available in all plans. We are open to custom offers to deliver the best experience for you.

Experience Antillia Map Yourself!

Reach out and receive a free demo version, or discuss your project's unique needs.